Water Quality: Model Aquatic Health Code Change Requests for Cyanuric Acid


SKU: TR-APSP55 Category:

Model Aquatic Health Code Change Requests for Cyanuric Acid

Cyanuric acid (CYA) has been a topic of debate since the introduction of chlorinated isocyanurates for recreational water treatment. With the work of the Chlorine Stabilizers Ad Hoc Committee, we now have a new tool for evaluating the chemistry and other factors that contribute to the risk of recreational water illness. However, we are still left with the judgment calls defining how much is too much CYA and how best to regulate its use. This presentation will review the current MAHC change requests in light of the data and assumptions that are used in the model from the Ad Hoc Committee, as well as the limitations of those data and assumptions.

Learning Objectives

  • Examine existing data, and limitations of the existing data regarding cyanuric acid.
  • Review the use and limitations of the model produced by the CMAHC Chlorine Stabilizers Ad Hoc Committee.
  • Discuss risk management and factors that aid in determining what level of risk is acceptable.
  • Analyze the uses and limitations of various approaches to regulating cyanuric acid and chlorine residuals.

Presenter: Ellen Meyer

Course Fee: FREE

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